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The Lord's Coming is very near......It is written that when the Lord returns to gather His followers-The Church of Ready-Christians, He will "wipe away tears from their eyes and they shall have No More Heat." When the Saints are taken, there will be very little water and great famine since intense heat dries up water and crops cannot grow in extreme drought. Are you ready (or getting ready) To Meet The Lord?
Revelation 7:16  no more heat for the Saints

"They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat."

Revelation 16:9  Great Heat

"...And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory."
The heat on the Planet shall steadily increase til Kingdom come.
Those that are ready to meet the Lord will be delivered in the midst of it, but any who remain will experience yet an increase in Global Warming to the point of intolerance.

Let's be reminded that as years pass the climate conditions are becoming more and more extreme.  Many my age remember walking to school in knee-deep winter weather; though brisk, and snowy, was tolerable enough to keep schools open, now with amazing snow drifts covering houses and cars, ice covered homes as though sculptured, we know times have changed and there's something happening in the atmosphere. It is also written:

Genesis 8:22

   Could it be 'The Earth is ceasing to remain?

          Note the following clips on weather

(click>  Heat disasters

Heat Is Killing Thousands, and Big Events Have Not Adjusted

6 days ago — Swathes of the globe including North America, southern and eastern Asia and south-eastern Europe are currently experiencing extreme temperatures ...

Temperatures across the globe have led to numerous fatalities and stress on power grids.

Related post (Click>  Tribulation and the Saints

Unbelievable  worldwide weather occurence

God Cherishes the Role of Mother and Father, we have to also.

In my years of work in the Office and Physical Labor, even in personal life I've witnessed turbulent unrest between parents and their sons and daughters.  Several on the phone on break referring to a parent as the B-word and threatening to hurt her or him if they show up at the wedding. Numerous court talk shows have parents sueing their children and the reverse, shouting and hateful words in gross disrespect of the Judge, baliff and the court. We won't mention the terrible violence and fatalities between family members these days.

Mothers and Fathers bear a sacred role, and we need to be very careful how we deal with them and speak to them.   

On another occasion, as two guys on the street said "yo mama", and later others used the "m-f" cuss-word, I cringed knowing that not only are we expected to Honor our Mother and Father we ought also to honor everyone's Mother and Father, since the role is sacred, ordained by God, as spoken of in the 5th Commandment in
Exodus 20:12 
"Honor thy Father and thy Mother that thy days be long on the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee."
Ephesians 6:1-4
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, (which is the first commandment with promise:) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."

We must be mindful of the importance of respecting the role of a Parent and not throw their title around like a cuss-word or casually where the ear of God hears and is moved with displeasure.  The Lord feels it, He is moved with how a Mother or Father feels about their child and yes also how they are ordered to rear their children in the nuture and admonition of the Lord.  When Mother's Day and Father's Day approach, Let us also be moved with compassion, forgiveness, and strive to forget any hurtful days, harsh words, or painful treatment if any, seek help and regard our Parent(s) the way God would be pleased, In spite of our past with them.  Some believe they can abandon a bad parent for life, but deep down the desire and wish of what we always wanted with them may never go away unless we begin anew and replace past sorrow with newfound favor and love. 

 Someday when Both parents are gone, if your heart is right, you then wish things could've been different and wonder if you could've kept trying to get along, cause there is No Place Like Home, and if Heaven is to be your Home, you will have to Honor them first )

(link to: video selection "Home" from The Wiz (by not a born-singer, but a provoking one)


 YES, This is one of those prophecies ... We should take notice that there are suddenly more and more consistent and more intense occurrences in the weather, with social unrest, violence, children in increased danger, assault weapons, political unrest, odd wars with no battleground (rumors of wars) etc.  Weather disasters, Climate crisis, shortages, enemies within one's own house, and what's with the Pit Bulls attacking and killing, and other animals, even birds chasing people down, Alligators killing people, Crocodile, snakes and bears invading homes, even Elephants are now attacking tourists at safari sites, our nation divided against each other, wars popping up, rumors of wars, nation rising against nation and soon as the Bible foretells, all nations shall be brought together against Israel, Zechariah 14:2
pestilence after pestilence, and the list goes on.  

Is the message getting through to us?  Our time is getting short,...and especially when we get news of the sun regularly having balls of fire spue from it in our direction only to diffuse before hitting us (yet). All these occurrences are in Man's Handbook for Living, The Bible. When Polar Bears can't find enough Ice to get fish and feed their young and hundreds of years old Glaciers melting, and rivers drying up, new deserts forming from drought, wildfires on one coast, hurricanes in the middle and devastating floods on the east and midwest we Have To take notice and come to petition God for Intervention.  America didn't used to have so many of these things, and all the issues with drinking water is also a Bible Prophecy as they will be "made bitter".  Look at the GMO foods, and look at the Organic ones, the Organic fruits and vegetables are shrunken and unlike they were 30 years ago, they rot faster, and the genetically mutated/manipulated/altered dna of GMO produce is brighter, larger and tasteless.

I remember when milk had so pungent a fresh smell, we all knew the milkman had just dropped off the Milk down the hall at school. The whole hallway would smell of fresh bottled milk, now there's hardly a scent at all and it's watered down, cows feed on a lower quality pasture, and are injected with hormones and chemicals and etc. I could go on...but when we see standards lowering, respect for authority diminishing, fights over trivial matters ofen fatal, and morality undefined, the freeway/highway speed limits totally ignored and road rage on a rampage just over a blown horn, we have to take notice when our country continues to fight for guns while they are the reason for increased violence on our streets, in the home and in our nation's schools. We fight to keep assault weapons yet protest to get rid of our unborn babies.  We have to petition God, We have to ask Him what is going on, and How we can turn things around again. If we Dont answer to Him now we sure will later.😱
In the Bible. other believers sought the face of God when an increase of danger and upheaval took place, and God answered. 
God still hears, He sees, He Answers, He's waiting, He's watching, and we are "business as usual".   He's given Us in this world the ability to live in harmony but if we continue to keep our backs turned from Him and honor false religion, think we can lord over ourselves and don't call on Him we will be driven to our knees by force.

*Let us beware of these stories of extraterrestrials and UFO's, and Nephalims because it is a plan of satan for you to believe the lie that when the Saints are taken out of this world's trouble to be with the Lord and escape His Wrath on this sinful world, the enemy wants you to think it was an alien abduction and keep you in the dark, and unaware; ,,,while we put our pleasures before The Lord, (and The Lord is allowing places of recreation, celebration and amusements to be hit with catastrophe because we prefer our own will and pleasures more than Him,) We have to Wake-Up, Turn Back to being One Nation Under God! It wont be a UFO studying Christians by abducting only them, as you may be told and hear on the news, there's still many events that preceed it, but it can have rapid succession and satan chooses to blind the eyes of all uninformed people so they believe any story of why things are happening rather than consult with the Book that never fails and tells us plainly what shall be in the end. It is written "things shall become worse and worse", (Matthew Ch. 24 & 2nd Timothy 3:13 ) and "The Love of many shall wax cold".       REPENT!                 AMERICA...BLESS GOD !   please.

2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”