If the believing thief could return to talk to us, he would tell us to "turn around, don't do it, don't do the things that can cause you to miss the glory, and treasure that the Lord has blessed me to leave the cross to go straight into Paradise with Him.
If you only knew the joy and peace, and great glory of this place you would not repeat the same things that The Lord is not pleased with, you would stop and not risk being in this heavenly place with The Lord, it's so worth just doing all The Lord says, the sacrifice, the submission, the obedience, the commandments, and loving everyone no matter what is so worth all this glory that I enjoy. Oh but if I could live my life over again, I would've lived it All for Christ, never to have stolen, sinned, or wasted precious time that could've been devoted to so Great a King who has such great mercy on so sinful a man." Luke 23:42